Saturday, December 1, 2007

Kapiti Island

Friendly Kaka.

The next few pictures were taken on Kapiti Island. This is a restricted offshore wildlife reserve run by the Department of Conservation. Over a period of years all pest species have been removed from the island. Many endangered native species (mostly birds) have been transferred here. Free from introduced pests the bird life has proliferated, and in the case of the Kaka above, lost their fear of people. Much of the bush on the mainland is eerily quite, as most native birds have become rare or extinct. In this respect, Kapiti Island was a revelation; I saw and heard more birds in 5 minutes than I have in 6 years on the mainland. It was quite something.

The particular bird above, is a parrot called a Kaka. Along with the related Kea, it is one of the most intelligent birds in the world. The are very inquisitive and playful. Beware though, as they also have very sharp claws and beaks, as well as designs on your lunch.

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